
See what’s in store for EEConf San Diego. Be sure to check back as we announce more sessions. Agenda subject to change.

2 Wed

Day 1

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


With Tom Jaeger

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The Future of ExpressionEngine E-Commerce

Oliver Cannell moderates an interactive discussion with Tom Jaeger exploring the exciting future of E-Commerce and the ExpressionEngine platform. A couple of surprise announcements will be followed by a Q/A session with EEConf attendees.

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Getting Started with ExpressionEngine

Track 1

Build your first site with ExpressionEngine, learn some best practices, and walk through an easy way to set up your EE7 site. Great for newbies; bring your laptop!

With Doug Black

Cache Me If You Can

Track 2

Take a deep dive into optimizing an ExpressionEngine site using various caching methods. Website performance is crucial for user experience, search engine rankings, and overall operational efficiency, and caching is a key technique to ensure your sites respond as quickly as possible. We will start by exploring the fundamentals of caching, identifying where in your technology stack caching might be best applied, and learning best practices for EE specifically. We will discuss EE’s built-in tools as well as third-party tools and services. Our discussion will cover best practices and common pitfalls, and will provide actionable solutions. We’ll then focus more closely on BoldMinded’s Speedy add-on, unpacking its features and exploring both basic and advanced caching techniques through real-world examples. Additionally, we’ll share some of the advanced techniques used by Hop Studios for managing large datasets and complex queries, ensuring sites remain fast and responsive even under heavy load from visitors and usage from content editors.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Vue From Here

Track 1

There is no shortage of reasons for PHP-centered CMS teams to evaluate large JavaScript frameworks for making cool things on the web. Just the mere prospect of the ins-and-outs of working with it, fumbling around to make it work with your CMS, doing this for a couple of platforms, just needing to figure it all out again down the road is tiresome and wasteful. This talk features Vue.js from the perspective of an ExpressionEngine long-timer who found value in spending time here. Why bother with it? What can it help you accomplish? Enjoy a Vue of how these two tools might be finely integrated to complement each other in client work, and then you'll know where you might give it a go.

Implementing Atomic Design with Twig and Tailwind in ExpressionEngine for Consistent and Scalable Web Development

Track 2

Atomic Design is a methodology that structures web design into a hierarchy of components: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages. Atoms are the most basic elements, like buttons or input fields, which combine to form molecules and organisms—more complex UI components. This structured approach ensures that every part of the interface is consistent and reusable. In ExpressionEngine, applying Atomic Design principles alone isn't enough to maintain design integrity. Twig's templating system supports Atomic Design by allowing for the creation of structured, reusable templates. When paired with Tailwind CSS, which offers utility-first styles, these tools enforce design standards across the site without relying on custom CSS. This synergy ensures that the original design is preserved, consistency is maintained, and the number of decisions developers need to make is significantly reduced, leading to a more efficient and cohesive development process.

With Ben Fjare

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Power Up Your RTE Field with Custom RedactorX Plugins

Track 1

Ever wanted a quick way to insert a responsive YouTube video, pie chart, or Call to Action button without writing HTML? Learn how to extend EE's RTE - RedactorX with custom plugins that make this possible. We'll look at three custom plugins, and you'll leave with a sample library to get started. This talk is beginner-friendly yet valuable for seasoned developers looking to enhance the client experience.

Team efficiency - How to calculate and monitor the efficiency of your greatest investment – labor.

Track 2

This presentation covers key concepts of labor efficiency and how to optimize workforce performance. It begins with an explanation of what labor efficiency is and how to calculate it. The discussion then moves into segmenting labor into categories to identify areas for improvement. Attendees will learn how to calculate, set targets, and achieve the best return on both direct labor teams and management/administrative teams. Finally, the presentation will outline the best strategies for building a high-performing "A-player" team, essential for maximizing efficiency and productivity.